What is
Seek 2 Change?

Seek 2 Change, established in 2023, was born out of a vision to promote Global Peace. Central to our mission is the recognition of the significance of raising awareness about the rich diversity within communities and nurturing mutual understanding among individuals with varying religious and non-religious affiliations or backgrounds. As an organization committed to self-development, mental well-being, and fostering interfaith understanding, Seek 2 Change endeavours to inspire positive and transformative change within our audience.

How do we aim to achieve our vision?


At Seek 2 Change, we recognize that personal growth is the cornerstone of meaningful change. Through our programs and initiatives, we aim to empower individuals to embark on a journey of self-discovery, reflection, and improvement. By fostering self-awareness, resilience, and a growth mindset, we equip our audience with the tools and resources needed to navigate life’s challenges and unlock their full potential.


As an organization dedicated to fostering positive change, Seek 2 Change recognizes the importance of mindfulness in promoting individual well-being and contributing to global peace. Mindfulness is the practice of being fully present and engaged in the present moment, without judgment or attachment to thoughts or emotions. It involves cultivating awareness of one’s thoughts, feelings, and bodily sensations, as well as the surrounding environment.


Interfaith Understanding

In an increasingly interconnected world, fostering understanding and respect among people of diverse religious and cultural backgrounds is crucial for promoting harmony and cooperation. Seek 2 Change is committed to promoting interfaith dialogue, cooperation, and collaboration. By facilitating meaningful conversations, promoting mutual respect, and celebrating diversity, we strive to build bridges of understanding and promote a culture of peace and tolerance.

What We Do

Open house sessions

A modern and traditional European Islamic family comes together for iftar in a contemporary restaurant during the Ramadan fasting period, embodying cultural harmony and familial unity amidst a culinary celebration of diversity.

Embark on a journey of cultural enrichment and community engagement by joining us for one of our OPEN HOUSE SESSIONS at Seek 2 Change. Our aim is to foster unity and understanding by welcoming people from diverse backgrounds, faiths, and beliefs to come together in a spirit of openness and acceptance.

Mindfulness Sessions

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Embark on a journey of tranquility and inner peace by joining one of our uplifting mindfulness sessions at Seek 2 Change. Designed to rejuvenate your mental health and emotional well-being, these sessions offer a sanctuary where you can pause, breathe, and immerse yourself in the art of mindfulness. 

Global Peace webinars

Are you seeking peace and harmony in your life? Look no further! Join us for one of our enlightening Global Peace Webinars. Our sessions are designed to provide you with the tools and insights needed to cultivate inner peace and foster harmony in your daily life.

Workshops and programs

Discover life-changing workshops and programs designed to help you become the best version of yourself. Our offerings include a variety of topics and formats, tailored to your unique needs and goals. Whether you’re seeking personal growth, professional development, or enhanced well-being, our programs provide the tools, guidance, and support you need to thrive.


Life coaching programme

Enroll now in our Seek 2 Change Life Coaching Program and take the first step towards unlocking your full potential, achieving your goals, and creating the life you envision. Our comprehensive program is designed to empower you with the knowledge, skills, and support you need to navigate life’s challenges, overcome obstacles, and thrive in all areas of your life……COMING SOON



Join us for a transformative experience at the Seek 2 Change retreat. Immerse yourself in a journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and community connection as we explore new horizons and embrace positive change together. Our retreat offers a sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, providing you with the opportunity to pause, reflect, and recharge in a nurturing and supportive environment. ….COMING SOON

Our Team

Sajid Hussain

Self-development Coach

Transforming from an Optometry graduate to a flourishing entrepreneur and self-development Coach, my fervor lies in elevating my community through the force of character-building. With a never-ending passion for personal growth and development, I am committed to empowering individuals to live their best lives. Let us collaborate and work towards building a brighter tomorrow by unlocking the potential within each and every one of us. Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change and make a lasting impact on the world.

Yasar Arfan

Mindset coach

An avid traveler and self-development coach with a proven track record of success. He has pursued his studies in Islamic sciences across Egypt, Yemen, and around the world. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to his coaching practice, incorporating his deep expertise in human behavior and psychology. Clients consistently report feeling more motivated, confident, and fulfilled in their lives under his guidance.

hammaad shafiq

Wellness coach

With a pharmacy Master's degree and a passion for holistic health and wellbeing, Hammaad's expertise extends far beyond his medical education. In addition to being a highly skilled healthcare practitioner, he also brings with him the knowledge and experience of a certified wellness coach. Hammaad can often be found deep in study and contemplation, delving into the richness and wisdom of Quranic teachings. His commitment to these personal passions shines through in all aspects of his life.

Upcoming events

02 Jun 2024
Global Peace Webinar

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02 Jun 2024
Global Peace Webinar

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29 Jun 2024

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Join Seek2Change and Transform Your Life!

Don’t look back but look forward to our upcoming events which will transform your life! Subscribe now, so you don’t miss out!